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Posture Clinic




>> Registrations OPEN NOW


— One (1) Individual one-on-one call (45 Minutes) for personal development through this course


Yoga poses were developed for multiple purposes:

♡  For unblocking stagnation in the body,

♡  Accessing physical health - including: mobility, flexibility and stability (strength).

♡  And most importantly (according to traditional Tantric Hatha) – purposefully shaping/moving energy in the body.  

That is why different YOGA POSTURES make us feel different sensations, expressions and experiences!

Yoga Postures also increase our body awareness and increase our breath capacity. In Yoga it is from the connection to the breath that the spiritual magic begins, and we access that by coming back to our physical bodies.

This course will sparkle even deeper your love for the yoga postures.

A posture clinic is a study of the body positions when we practice Yoga, and how these shapes impact our physiology,

our minds/ nervous system and especially the subtle body (feelings, sensations).

Together with me, study the meaning of Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga approach to Asanas, the energetic and feeling of the yoga poses.


♡ If you are already a Yoga teacher and want to go deeper into Tantric Hatha, this course will give you the tools to create your classes and understand sequencing. You also get a full manual on the Yoga postures and many POSTURES CUES to teach in classes. 

♡ If you have done other Tantric courses and you are feeling overwhelmed or need to organize the postures, techniques, sequences, properly applied breath work that matches poses and even including the types of pranayama and meditation – then this course will give you all the structure that you need!

♡ If you are not a teacher but want to fully develop a deep comprehension of the power of Yoga postures, this course will give profound depth for your own practice.


You will receive 30 HOURS of Tantric Hatha Yoga training, including:

  • A Comprehensive Manual

  • Full description of Yoga Poses, including: names in English and Sanskrit, Picture reference followed by:

    • A written guidance of cues for postures: how to prep, how to get in, how to stay steady, how to get out safely from all different postures.

  • Over 30 videos of lectures

  • full understanding of Tantric Hatha Yoga tradition based on the philosophy Moon, Sun, Fire & beyond (7 Stages of Hatha Yoga).

  • In-Depth learning about “Flexibility & Stability”, “Function & Form”.

  • Learn how to PRACTICE and TEACH Yoga postures safely and precisely - using skillful and purposeful sequences.

  • Expand your knowledge on how and when apply ‘bandha work' in postures. This is a game changer in postures both as a practitioner and as a teacher.

  • A Course divided in two stages, after you are accessed and passed, you received the second part.

  • A Certificate.

Extra details:

  • You will receive all the content in videos to watch on your own time (VIDEOS ARE ALREADY PRE-RECORDED).

  • There is no rush to finish the course!

  • You will receive the recording of the course to keep for Two (2) Years!


Be ready to uplevel your skills as a yoga teacher & practitioner!

This course will give you a full scope and understanding of Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga Postures.

For most of us, this magnificent world of Yoga starts with the body – and the body becomes the entry point to connect with something incredibly special: the eternal, the One, the Soul!


♡ I am excited to share this journey with you!